
Towards Sustainable Future: Best Solar Companies of 2023

Best solar companies

Open your hearts and let the power of the sun help you move towards a sustainable future.

As the demand for sustainable & clean energy continues to rise up, the solar industry in the United States is setting new benchmarks by developing ingenious solutions.

This year again – a lot of companies have appeared as the new frontrunners – raising the bar of efficiency and technology. In this blog, we’ve explored the best solar companies of 2023 in the US.

The companies listed below came up with revolutionary advancements and put in a lot of effort to yoke the power of the sun for a greener future. If you’re an environmentally-conscious homeowner or a business owner looking to cut costs in this cut-throat economy – read on to get insights about the leading players shaping the solar landscape in 2023.

Time to dive in and discover how these companies are coming to the top. Why you should choose them. And how to find the best solar companies near you.

Our Selection Criteria for the Best Solar Companies?

Curating a list of the best solar panel installation companies wasn’t a walk in the park. We wanted to ensure we covered all the bases, so we meticulously crafted our selection process. First, we scoured the market to identify contenders that met our essential criteria. Then we delved into the nitty-gritty, meticulously reviewing each company in our list on different metrics like technology, customer service, output, and most important of all, the value they provide to their customers.

Best Solar Companies

We evaluated them on a whopping thirty-five different attributes, leaving no stone unturned. But that was just the beginning. We capped the list to the top seven companies, taking into account additional factors like customer appraisals, maintenance options, additional features, and nationwide disposal as well as a touch of our own editorial judgment.

Our ratings are the result of thorough analysis and the expertise of our dedicated editorial team. We want to ensure that you get the most reliable and trustworthy information when it comes to choosing the right solar panel installation company for your needs.

Can You Rely on the List?

Your trust in our words is our success. And we strongly believe that trust is something you earn by offering something of value to you. Our team is dedicated to providing you with objective, unbiased ratings and facts that you can rely on. How do we do it? Well, we’re all about facts and expert advice. We dig deep, crunch the numbers, and consult with industry experts.

But we don’t stop there. We have exceptional advisory professionals who play a crucial role in our process. They fact-check and review our content with a keen eye for accuracy and relevancy. Their expertise helps us maintain the highest standards and ensures that the information we provide is trustworthy and valuable.

Here’s Our Pick for the Best Solar Companies of 2023

If you really want to get the perfect and budget-friendly solar panel for you then stick to the end and read thoroughly our top best solar companies for the better future.

1. SunPower

Picture this: It’s 1985, the year of big hair, neon colors, and a little company called SunPower entering the solar energy stage. Fast forward to today, and they’re still rocking it (minus the questionable fashion choices). With a presence in all 50 states, SunPower has become a solar industry giant that boasts a great list of credentials.

SunPower doesn’t just stop at panels, though. They’ve got the whole solar energy package. Visit their website, and you can virtually meet with a solar expert. It’s like having your very own solar consultant. And their tech game is on point too. With a mobile app and their EnergyLink monitoring system, you can control and monitor your system like a boss.

Now, let’s talk money. SunPower knows that not all of us are swimming in gold coins like Scrooge McDuck, so they’ve got purchasing and zero-down lease options. They’ve even got high consumer ratings, except for a few folks grumbling about communication issues. Hey, but nobody’s perfect, right?


  1. The company has its own branded solar panels.
  2. Available across the US.
  3. Solar panels are highly efficient.


  1. Communication issues have been reported

2. ADT Solar

Let us introduce you to ADT Solar. It is one of the best solar companies that we have gone through this far. A solar superhero that acquired Sunpro Solar in 2021. They know a thing or two about embracing change, just like you if you go for solar energy.

Now, ADT Solar understands that a significant change like this requires some extra love and attention. That’s why they come bearing gifts. Want to earn some extra cash? ADT Solar will reward you with a sweet $1,000 for every new referral you send their way. Cha-ching!

But there’s more to it than meets the eye. They go above and beyond by offering roof repair services. Because let’s face it, you want your roof in tip-top shape before those sleek solar panels go up. ADT Solar has got your back.

Here’s a little something for the skeptics out there. ADT Solar promises to match competitor pricing through its Price Protection Guarantee. If you find a better deal, they’ll refund you the difference. It’s like a solar price match showdown, and ADT Solar is doing everything right.

Let’s talk hardware. ADT Solar installs LG-branded solar panels with efficiency ratings that’ll make your jaw drop—well over 20%. These panels mean business. And when it comes to payment options, they’ve got you covered. Whether you want to make a complete purchase, get a solar loan, or go for a leasing option, ADT Solar has flexible choices to fit your needs. While their website is full of helpful information, they keep us on our toes by leaving out those elusive online pricing estimates. It’s like a secret treasure hunt—solar edition.


  1. Price protection is offered/guaranteed
  2. Additional services like roof repairs are offered
  3. $1,000 bucks referral rewards


  1. Price quotations are not offered online
  2. Reports of permit & installation problems

3. Blue Raven Solar

Blue Raven Solar, the cool kid in the solar neighborhood, comes in the third position of best solar companies of 2023. They may be a standalone subsidiary of the industry giant SunPower Solar, but they’ve got their own groove going on.

When it comes to equipment, Blue Raven doesn’t mess around. They use highly-efficient monocrystalline solar panels and components from top-notch companies like Canadian Solar and Trina. It’s like they’re assembling the Avengers of solar power!

So, if you’re thinking that Blue Raven brings exceptional quality and tons of options to the table, well, you’re right on the money. These guys were already rocking the installation game before SunPower came into the picture, and they haven’t missed a beat under the new ownership.

Oh, and they’ve got their very own dream team of installers in 21 states. They’ll swoop in and make sure your solar journey is as smooth as possible. No capes are required.

Now, here’s the scoop on their financing program. While they don’t do solar leasing or PPA solutions, they do have something called PowerPlus+. It’s like a financial superhero that lets you skip payments for the first 18 months. That’s right! You can enjoy the benefits of solar without worrying about breaking the bank. Talk about a win-win.

Blue Raven knows that referrals are worth their weight in solar gold. They’re so confident in their awesomeness that they’ll even pay you $500 for your first referral and up to a whopping $1,500 for each referral after your third. Time to dust off your phone book and start dialing!


  1. Provides exclusive financing possibilities
  2. Offers productivity promise
  3. The referral program is tiered


  1. Solar leasing or PPA is not obtainable

4. Green House Systems

Green House Systems is like the underdog of the solar panel world. They might not be as famous as those big-shot national solar installers, but don’t let that fool you. These guys are making waves and climbing the ladder of solar greatness.

Now, you must live in one of the lucky 21 states where they operate to hear of Green Home Systems. But let me tell you, they’ve got a fan club that’s growing faster than mold on a forgotten sandwich.

Just take a look at their reviews! They’ve got a solid 4.3-star rating on Trustpilot, which is like the Olympics of customer feedback. And over at the BBB, they’ve earned themselves an A+ grade and a dazzling review rating of 4.83. Those are some seriously impressive scores.

When it comes to its equipment, Green Home Systems knows how to pick the best partners. They’re rocking panels and components from LG, Enphase, Unirac, and SolarEdge. It’s like having the solar dream team assemble your very own clean energy fortress.

But it doesn’t stop there. Green Home Systems has your back throughout the whole solar journey. They’ll guide you through the maze of rebates and tax incentives to make sure you’re getting every penny you deserve. Because who doesn’t love saving money while saving the planet, right?

Now, let’s talk financing. These guys are like the masters of zero-down deals. You can get your solar system installed with no money upfront, and they even offer interest rates as low as 0.99%. It’s like finding out you won the lottery, except instead of cash, you’re winning sustainable energy for your home. Jackpot!


  1. Top-notch customer ratings on credible platforms
  2. Solar loans offered with low-interest
  3. Partnering up with industry-leading solar corporations


  1. Operates in only 21 states

5. Elevation Solar

So, this one is exclusive for the lucky residents of Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, and Texas. You guys have got some great sunshine perks, including the opportunity to have Elevation Solar work its solar magic on your home. These guys may only be nine years old, but they’re growing faster than a cactus in a rainstorm.

Now, here’s the cool thing about Elevation Solar: they’re not just about slapping some solar panels on your roof and calling it a day. Nope, they take a holistic approach to your energy health. It’s like going to the doctor for your house but without the awkward waiting room magazines.

When you contact Elevation Solar, they start with an energy audit. They’ll give your house a thorough once-over to see where you can squeeze out extra efficiency. Think of it as a spa day for your home’s energy system.

If any upgrades or repairs are needed, they’ve got you covered. They’ll make sure your home is in tip-top shape before moving on to the main event: installing an integrated, advanced monitoring system. It’s like having a control center for your solar components, ensuring everything performs at its peak. You’ll be the captain of the solar ship, setting sail for sustainable energy greatness.

You won’t find any leasing programs or power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Elevation Solar. They’re more into the whole “own it or finance it” vibe. You can purchase one of their comprehensive solar energy generation and storage systems outright, or they’ll hook you up with a financing plan. It’s like having your own personal solar piggy bank.


  1. Cutting-edge monitoring available
  2. They offer energy audits and repairs
  3. A company dedicated to providing whole-house efficiency


  1. Only accessible in five states

6. Momentum Solar

Coming up on the sixth in our list of the best solar companies of 2023 is Momentum Solar.

Now, before you get too excited, let us drop a little reality check. Momentum Solar is available in 10 states, scattered across the country like sprinkles on a sundae. But here’s the thing: they stand out from the solar crowd like a pineapple topping on a pizza.

These guys are all about giving you options. They’ll hook you up with solar panels and components from a bunch of independently verified Tier 1 solar manufacturers. It’s like having a buffet of solar goodness to choose from. No bland, one-size-fits-all solutions here!

And hold onto your hats because the customization train doesn’t stop there. Momentum Solar is like the MacGyver of solar installers. They’ve got options galore for how you want to pay for your solar system. You can purchase it outright and own it like a boss.

Or, if you’re more into the “let’s make it rain savings” approach, they’ll help you finance it. Lease it? Sure, they’ve got that too. And for those who like to get fancy with acronyms, they even offer PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements). They’ve got more choices than a buffet menu at a five-star restaurant (figuratively)!

Here’s the catch, though. While Momentum Solar has a wide range of solar energy generation options, its battery storage system availability is limited. Only five out of the 10 states they operate in get to experience the joy of storing that precious solar energy for a rainy day. But hey, it’s better than nothing, right?


  1. They use multiple suppliers
  2. Associates with Tier 1 producers only
  3. Numerous financing/leasing options offered


  1. Available in 10 states only
  2. Battery system installation offered in 5 states

7.      Palmetto Solar

Palmetto Solar is all about bringing the power of the sun to your doorstep, and they’ve got some awe-inspiring tricks up their sleeves.

First things first, they’ve partnered with Q-cells, the manufacturing leaders in the solar panel world. It’s like having the Beyoncé of solar panels gracing your roof. And they don’t stop there. Palmetto Solar hooks you up with the complete system components, including battery storage.

Oh, and Palmetto Solar isn’t just about installations. They’re like your one-stop solar shop. Need a roof leak diagnosis and repair? They’ve got you covered. Is the solar panel looking dusty? They’ll give it a good cleaning. They’ve even got three levels of monitoring and service, so you’ll know exactly how your solar system is performing. And let’s not forget their high-functioning mobile app. It’s like having a solar command center right in the palm of your hand.

Now, when it comes to purchasing and financing, Palmetto Solar knows that one size doesn’t fit all. You can go full DIY and monitor and maintain your own solar system. Or, if you’re feeling a bit fancy, you can choose one of their service agreements starting at around 50 bucks a month. These agreements come with complimentary cleaning, maintenance, and monitoring services. It’s like having your own solar concierge, making sure everything is running smoothly.

Looking for that cherry on top? They now offer solar panels with 25-year warranties. That’s like having a solar superhero cape protecting your investment. Some of their past installations had 12-year coverage, but they’ve leveled up and doubled down on their commitment to quality. What else do you want?


  1. An innovative mobile app offered
  2. Monitoring service available with three levels
  3. Bonus services available


  1. They don’t offer energy consultations
  2. They outsource some installations to 3rd party installers

What to Look for When Choosing the Best Solar Companies?

Here you can see for yourself clearly the things that matter the most in order to get the best solar panels from the best solar companies.

1. Experience and Reputation—Unleash the Solar Superpowers!

When searching for the best solar companies, start by checking out their experience and reputation. Look for companies that have been around the solar block for a while, like seasoned solar superheroes. They should have a nice track record of successful installations and satisfied customers.

2. Reviews—the Yelp of Solar Satisfaction

Don’t just take their word for it; let the customer reviews be your guide! Check out what others are saying about the solar company you’re considering. Are people raving about their services or throwing shade? Pay attention to those star ratings and see if they’ve got the solar swag to back it up.

3. Equipment—Finding the Cream of the Crop

When it comes to solar panels, you want the cream of the crop. Look for companies that partner with top-notch manufacturers, like solar panel superheroes. They should offer efficient, durable, and high-performing panels that can absorb the power of the sun.

4. Comprehensive Offerings—From Panels to Power

Consider what other components the solar company offers. Do they have battery storage options? Can they handle all your energy needs? You want a solar company that’s a one-stop shop for all your clean energy dreams. It’s like finding a solar sidekick who’s got your back in every aspect of your solar journey.

5. Financing Options—Making Solar Dreams Come True

Solar can be a significant investment, so look for a company that offers flexible financing options or leasing programs. It’s like finding a solar sugar daddy who’s willing to make your sustainable dreams come true. With the right financing, you can start saving the planet & your wallet at the same time!

Looking To Konnect to the Best Solar Company? We Can Help!

Imagine waking up every morning to a home that’s bathed in the warm glow of the sun. Just picture it: no more fretting about skyrocketing electricity bills or feeling guilty about your carbon footprint. With our incredible solar service providers, you can make this dream a reality while keeping it friendly to both your wallet & the environment.

At Konnect My Home, we understand the importance of sustainable and affordable energy solutions. That’s why our team of solar experts is here to help you power up your home in the most efficient way possible. Whether you’re looking to go all-in and power your entire home or want to start small with a few appliances, we’ve got your back.

So why wait any longer? The sun is shining, and the time to power up your home sustainably is now. Get in touch with any of the best solar companies of 2023 on our list and take that exciting step towards a brighter, greener future. Call to order now!


Q: Will solar panels work on cloudy days?

A: Absolutely! While solar panels perform best under direct sunlight, they can still produce electricity on cloudy days. Even when it’s overcast, there is still sunlight reaching the panels, and they can convert that light into usable energy. So, don’t worry if you live in a region with frequent cloudy weather—solar panels can still be a reliable source of power for your home.

Q: What happens if there’s a power outage?

A: One of the fantastic features of solar panels is that they can keep you powered up during a power outage, but there’s a catch. If you have a grid-tied solar system, it will automatically shut off during an outage for safety reasons. However, if you have a battery backup system, the excess electricity generated by your panels can be stored in the batteries and used to power your residence when the grid goes down. It’s like having your own energy reserve!

Q: How long do solar panels last?

A: Solar panels are built to last! On average, they have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years, but many panels can continue producing electricity even beyond that. With proper maintenance & care, your solar panels can be a long-term investment that pays off for decades. It’s a sustainable choice for both your energy needs and your wallet.

Q: Will solar panels require a lot of maintenance?

A: Not at all! Solar panels are low-maintenance. They are designed to withstand various weather conditions, so you don’t have to worry about constant upkeep. However, it’s a good idea to keep them clean from dirt and debris to maximize their efficiency. A simple rinse with water or occasional gentle cleaning should do the trick. And don’t worry, you won’t need to clean them yourself – there are professionals who can take care of that for you.

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